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Improving the Fleets uptime by doing daily checks and scheduled PM activities recommended by OEM, JIG, and Chevron.

In Fleets (Dispensers, Fuellers, Cars, Bridger’s, P/Up and Pit flushers, Fork lift).

1.       Checks of all vehicles.

a)      Check the healthiness of all lamps.
b)      AC condition
c)       Pneumatic system
d)      Electronic system
e)      Bonding and Lanyard
f)       Emergency Engine shutoff
g)      Interlock system
h)      Vehicle starting system and also the battery condition.
Will complete all vehicles checks once in day, and will maintain daily check list.
In the above most of them are visual checks, if we found any abnormality will attend the problem immediately and rectify.

2.       Periodical checks according to SAM:-

a)      Condition of Vehicle AC
b)       Battery condition
c)       Water detector checks.
During our checks if we found any abnormality will attend immediately and rectify.

Plant Electrical system:-

1.       Maintaining the Emergency Power supply system (DG set) 100% available during power failures, for that we are doing load test on DG sets in every weekend to know the healthiness of the DG set.

2.       HVAC system available all the times in all Qjet Locations, periodical maintenance awarded to AMC provider. And system monitoring by In-house technical team.

3.       Monitoring of Uninterrupted Power supply (UPS) systems of all locations.

4.       All pumps, starters, Electrical panels, Cathodic Protection system, Street and fuel farm lighting are managing in good condition by doing scheduled preventive maintenance.

During preventive maintenance if we found any abnormality, will attend immediately and rectify.


